Home >> Apple >> Google produts >> Apple soon to launch it's own search engine ? True or just another rumor | Are we going to see battle of Apple Search Vs Google Search

 By Muhammad Haseeb Khokhar

image of Google Search vs Apple Search

After the release of ios 14, their is a sudden stir in the market that Apple may soon anounce the release of their own serach engine. Wanna Now whats the reason of this sudden disscusion. Stay Conneted till the End of this Article.

So recently Apple Launched it's new iphone 12 along with the new operating software, ios 14.  

When previously you searched on an iphone , search results were provided by Google but now in ios 14, After you type the word or query, you get direct links before pressing the search button. This means you don't have to go through Google or Any Search Engine and Apple will provide you direct links matching your queries and removing the role of Search Engine.

Google currently pays great amount of  Capital to Apple to keep Google it's default Search Engine. This move by Apple is considered as a warning sign for Google to get ready for it's competitor.

The hype is also created because both of the tech gaints are considered to be rivals because of strong competition between both of their OS, Andriod and iOS , currently doing great job in the Market.

The Question also arises that weather or not , This search Engine will be able to take down the great kingdom of Google Search Engine , even if it is soon to be launched.

What are Your thoughts about this ..... Let Me Know in the commment Section.

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Muhammad Haseeb Khokhar

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